Important Details About Grab Bar Installation
For many, grab bar installation is seen as an easy do it yourself project. But be aware that improper installation often creates problems than the grab bar’s intended solution. Remember that an ADA standard grab bar must be able to support up to 250 lbs. without ailing. Many can handle much more weight, but a secure installation is an important part of assuring proper weight bearing support. Be sure to do your research first before installing one by yourself or hire an experience aging in place specialist.
For many wall installations, the proper mounting location is very important to the bar’s usefulness. It is very helpful if the bar’s position is tested, adjusted and customized for the intended user. The difficulty of finding the right position depends on the availability of adequate structure for wall anchorage.
In new construction, you can easily install blocking between wall studs to serve as a structure anchorage. This is the easiest way to prepare the wall structure for grab bar installation.
For existing construction, this is not the case. You can install a blocking inside the wall. This means cutting a portion of the wall, installing the blocking to the grab bar’s specific location, and then repairing and painting the wall. The other solution is to screw mount a 1X6 board at the top of the wall directly to the wall’s studs framing to provide a sturdy grab bar anchorage.
Knowing the proper installation, grab bars will be an instrument to help you rather than an instrument that can harm you.
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